The next National Entrepreneurship Education Conference will be organized on 27-28 September 2023 in Turku, Finland. The theme of the conference is Critical and reflective perspectives on entrepreneurship education. You can submit a) a scientific abstract, b) a practical development work or c) a workshop proposal to the conference for evaluation.
Abstracts are invited to be sent to the following sub-themes:
- Critical and reflective examination of entrepreneurship education
- Entrepreneurship education and values
- Entrepreneurship education as a multidisciplinary research field
- Building an entrepreneurial culture in entrepreneurship education
- Pedagogical experiments and new practices in entrepreneurship education
- Cooperation between companies and educational institutions
- Evaluation of entrepreneurship education
- Future prospects of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship research
- International issues of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurship learning
- Digital matters in entrepreneurship education
- Sustainable development goals and entrepreneurship education
Writing instructions for abstracts:
- The maximum length is 250 words
- Maximum of 4 keywords
- Anonymized abstract is sent as an e-mail attachment in Word format to the e-mail address: ykts2023(at)
- In the subject field of the e-mail, state: YKTS2023 and the title of the abstract
- The e-mail message must state:
- Does the abstract deal with a) scientific research, b) practical development work/case or c) a workshop
- Sub-theme
- Title of the abstract (max 10 words)
- Authors’ names and organizations and corresponding author’s e-mail address
- a) Scientific research:
- The purpose of the study
- Research questions
- Theoretical framework
- Methods
- Key results
- Theoretical contributions and practical implications
- b) Practical development work:
- Purpose of the development work?
- What practice was sought for improvement/solution?
- What previous practices and theories have been taken into account in the design phase?
- How has the development work been carried out?
- What are the key results?
- The most significant further consequences/impact of this development work
- c) Proposal for the workshop:
- Purpose of the workshop
- Implementation of the workshop
- Key learning outcomes/results and their applicability
- Related research
Important dates & information:
- Notification of abstract acceptance: 16 June 2023
- Registration opens: 16 June 2023
- Sending the full manuscript for evaluation as a Word file: 31 August 2023
- During the days, the best paper and the best practical development work will be awarded
- More information:
- The deadline for abstract proposals is May 3, 2023